black and white bed linen

Agility First.
Stability Second.

Willkommen bei WNW Rechtsanwälte.

Wir bieten Ihnen rechtliche Expertise in allen Gesellschaftsfragen.
Von Immobilie bis Familie.

Weil nur Beweglichkeit
in stürmischen Zeiten Souveränität schafft.

Wir glauben daran, dass juristische Exzellenz und ein flexibles Mindset Hand in Hand gehen. Indem wir uns immer wieder neu anpassen, bleiben wir verlässlich – und finden selbst im stärksten Sturm das richtige Gleichgewicht für Sie.

Unsere Kanzleiphilosophie
Unser engagiertes Team

Unser Team vereint vielseitige Spezialisierungen und langjährige Praxiserfahrung. Auf dieser Basis begleiten wir Unternehmen, private Mandant*innen und Institutionen in allen wesentlichen Rechtsfragen. Dabei setzen wir auf gegenseitiges Vertrauen, kurze Kommunikationswege und ein Höchstmaß an Professionalität, um Ihre Interessen konsequent zu vertreten.

Immobilien-, Gesellschafts- und Familienrecht

für Ihre geschäftlichen Anliegen.

Immobilienrecht Expertise
A cityscape with a real estate sign in the foreground, prominently displaying the name and phone number. Surrounding the sign are various buildings with different architectural styles, some with scaffolding and green netting. The scene features a mix of older, worn structures alongside modern glass-fronted buildings. Power lines and construction materials add to the urban complexity.
A cityscape with a real estate sign in the foreground, prominently displaying the name and phone number. Surrounding the sign are various buildings with different architectural styles, some with scaffolding and green netting. The scene features a mix of older, worn structures alongside modern glass-fronted buildings. Power lines and construction materials add to the urban complexity.

Umfassende Beratung zu Kauf, Verkauf und Mietverträgen im Immobilienbereich.

A view of the upper floors of a light-colored building with multiple windows and ornate architectural details. A red and white 'For Sale' sign with contact information is visible on the building's facade. The building is surrounded by greenery, and there are overhead utility lines. The sky above is partly cloudy with patches of blue.
A view of the upper floors of a light-colored building with multiple windows and ornate architectural details. A red and white 'For Sale' sign with contact information is visible on the building's facade. The building is surrounded by greenery, and there are overhead utility lines. The sky above is partly cloudy with patches of blue.
A cityscape featuring a mix of residential and commercial buildings. In the foreground, there are flat-roofed apartment buildings with wooden staircases and a view of the street below. Midway into the image, an older, ornate building with arches is visible. To the left, the street is lined with cars and bordered by trees and road signs. A large billboard advertises legal services. In the background, high-rise buildings dominate the skyline under a clear blue sky.
A cityscape featuring a mix of residential and commercial buildings. In the foreground, there are flat-roofed apartment buildings with wooden staircases and a view of the street below. Midway into the image, an older, ornate building with arches is visible. To the left, the street is lined with cars and bordered by trees and road signs. A large billboard advertises legal services. In the background, high-rise buildings dominate the skyline under a clear blue sky.
Gesellschaftsrecht Beratung

Rechtsberatung zur Gründung, Umstrukturierung und Auflösung von Unternehmen und Gesellschaften.

Individuelle Lösungen für familienrechtliche Fragestellungen, die Ihre geschäftlichen Interessen berücksichtigen.

Familienrecht Unterstützung

Die Zusammenarbeit mit wnw Rechtsanwälte war professionell und effizient. Sehr empfehlenswert für rechtliche Anliegen.

Max Müller

A juxtaposition of an older, brick office building with a large advertisement for business space, and a modern, sleek glass skyscraper in the background. The older building features multiple windows and a vintage sign promoting Adams & Co. Real Estate at 411 5th Ave.
A juxtaposition of an older, brick office building with a large advertisement for business space, and a modern, sleek glass skyscraper in the background. The older building features multiple windows and a vintage sign promoting Adams & Co. Real Estate at 411 5th Ave.
A weathered brick building facade features an artistic mural on its garage door, depicting a busy scene in greyscale. Vines grow over the white wall and the old wooden door in the center, providing a touch of greenery. An old, faded sign above the mural reads 'Real Estate.' The setting is illuminated by sunlight.
A weathered brick building facade features an artistic mural on its garage door, depicting a busy scene in greyscale. Vines grow over the white wall and the old wooden door in the center, providing a touch of greenery. An old, faded sign above the mural reads 'Real Estate.' The setting is illuminated by sunlight.
